• Resolved johniathome


    As a WP newbie, I have started to set up a simple blogging web site, following the steps presented to me by WP. However I have hit a problem that, despite a couple of hours of research, appears insoluble (I’m sure that’s not the real case!).

    The setup process asked me for a site tagline, which I input but it is not displayed.

    But Help is not much help…Help says, in response to my query “Tag line not displayed”:

    Check Theme Settings: Some themes might not display the site tagline by default. To ensure it’s enabled, navigate to your WordPress.com dashboard and then  to Customize -> Site Identity. Here, you should see an option to input your site tagline. Make sure it’s filled in and save your changes.


    I assume the dashboard page is the page  with this down the left-hand side …
    My home,
    My Mailboxes etc…

    If this is the WP Dashboard, I would expect the word Dashboard to appear somewhere on it, so maybe this page isn’t the Dashboard?


    there is no sign of Customize -> Site identity on this page.
    Instead, and confusingly, there is this sequence:
    Appearance–>Customise–>Site identity,
    but I cannot see any option to hide/reveal the tagline.


    WordPress has asked for a tag line, and I have specified some text for a tagline, I would therefore expect WordPress to automatically assume I actually want it displayed? That seems the logical thing to me, not that I don’t want it displayed!

    I have done a search in the forums for “tag line not displayed”, and there are 86,000 forum references, so it seems to be a common problem. Some of the solutions entail digging into the code, not something I want to attempt.

    Is there a simple solution to this problem?

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  • To set the site tagline, you are at the correct place: Appearance -> Customize -> Site Identity.

    However, there should also be an option below the input, to choose whether to display the Site Title and Tagline. If this is not the case in your theme, then it is possible that your theme currently doesn’t support displaying it.

    Simple solution to this problem without jumping into the code: Can you try switching to another theme that supports it, and see if the tagline appears there? This will confirm if it’s a theme-related issue.

    Reference Image:

    Thread Starter johniathome


    Thank you for your rapid response!

    I have switched the theme from Nook to Hola(?) and the tag line is now displayed. However, as I am still on the free plan, the choice of themes is very restricted.

    You’re welcome! I’m glad the tagline is now displaying in your new theme!
    Feel free to explore more themes, you can find different levels of customization other than control over displaying the tagline.

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    ”?as I am still on the free plan,”

    To clear up any confusion, WordPress.com and www.ads-software.com are two different entities: https://www.ads-software.com/documentation/article/difference-between-wordpress-org-and-wordpress-com/

    Due to the differences between the various “types” of WordPress offered at wordpress.com and the self-hosted and self-installed version of WordPress supported here, you should probably ask WordPress.com support instead: https://wordpress.com/support/help-support-options/

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