• Hi there, I think I’ve inadvertently got tangled up making template edits and page / block edits to point where I am now unable to edit the footer nav menu links without it automatically making the same edits in the header! Very annoying as I want to include ‘Privacy policy’ in the footer but not in the header. Any help would be most welcome!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi, sounds like you’ll need to make updates to your menu from customizer. In your admin, go to “Appearance” and click on “Customize”. Then?you will see a list of options on the left-hand side. Look for “Menus” and click on it. In the Menus section, you will see a list of available menus. Look for the “Footer Menu” and click on it to expand the options. Here, you can add, remove, or rearrange the menu items in the footer menu. You can also edit the labels and URLs of the menu items.

    If this doesn’t help, please show a screenshot of your outline so we can troubleshoot.

    I also have this same issue. I have done what you said and it changes my footer with the information and removes my original header. Is there a way to just remove the footer all together so I do not have that?

    Thread Starter tbidgood86


    Hi @4thhubbard , thanks for you response. I don’t actually have Customize as an option – only Theme and Editor. I’m not using Elementor. No matter which way I try to make edits to the labels / urls in the footer nav it always updates in the header too….!



    I also do not have that option. Anything else we can try?

    Moderator mizantium


    Hi @tbidgood86 and @jillkoob

    In the Site Editor, you can create new Header and Footer templates to ensure that they are fresh and separate, then go to all of your templates and re-include the new Header and Footer into those page/post templates.

    Once you’ve done that, you can then delete the previous Header and Footer templates to avoid confusion. Make sure you name the new ones very distinctly.

    The guidance in the links below could help you with making the new ones:


    Template Editor

    These are also some very useful links to read:

    Site Editor

    Comparing Patterns, Template Parts, and Synced Patterns (Reusable Blocks)

    Hope that helps!

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