• I’m trying to set up a profile page for my website since it’s less of an online business and more of a content collective with a discussion function. I’m having difficulty with setting up a user profiles page to allow people to make an account and manage their account details themselves.

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    It’s unclear where your difficulty lies. WP has a built in mechanism to register users. Users can manage most of their user profile themselves. It’s possible to add additional fields to the user profile screen. Look through the source code for /wp-admin/user-edit.php. Look for calls to do_action(). These hooks can be used to output additional HTML input fields. The registration form can similarly be modified.

    It’s even feasible to create completely custom registration and profile edit screens. As along as your forms post data in the same format as the default screens, WP will update user data for you. Or your forms could submit to a custom script which handles updating the DB in any manner you wish.

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