• Hi How do I make the menus in the footer collapsible into one neat heading. So then when you click on the menu heading it opens them all up.Currently, the footer on mobile view is displaying all the menus and submenus.On the header there is an in built feature to create submenus and drop downs .On appearance > menu. I’ve tried putting the menus I want to be hidden initially indented under the top heading, but on the footer it just shows it indented. Screenshot attached of the full menu. I basically want from contact us to bespoke furniture to be hidden under ‘contact.. And all the sub menus under why project Reclaim to be under that heading, etc..

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @lukeyr1minstrels1,

    Since this issue is about how your site displays on mobile devices and not about the WordPress app, you might get more specialized help in the www.ads-software.com Support Forums, especially if you mention the specific theme you’re using. You can also try to contact the WordPress Theme’s developers as they might better quide you on how the theme works on smaller screen sizes.

    This is the support forum thread for the WordPress app so if you have any questions related to the app, please let us know.


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