• Hi,

    Is it possible to activate a “maintenance mode” and display a page that is already created?

    I’m using Elementor, and a complex theme with multiple headers and footers specific for each page (Themerex Rightway theme to be specific).

    I would like to display a specific page, already created within this theme, created with Elementor and with a specific header and footer. I’ve made this page to be the “front page” so anyone coming to my site is landing on this specific page. But I would also like all other existing pages/links to be redirected to this page for any visitor, but to remain accessible for logged in users/admins.

    Is it possible?

    A maintenance plugin is not what I need because I cannot use my specific page inside that plugin (or I did not find a plugin that allows me to use my specific page with all that specific settings (sepcific header/footer).

    Thank you,

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  • Moderator t-p


    Sarthak Nagoshe


    If you want to turn on maintenance mode and redirect non-logged-in users to a specific page without using code, here’s a simple way to do it with WordPress features and plugins: Steps:

    1. Set your front page:
      You’ve already set the specific page you want as your “Front Page.” This will be the main page visitors see, so this step is done.
    2. Redirect other pages for non-logged-in users:
      You can use a plugin that redirects users based on whether they are logged in or not.

    Using a Redirection Plugin (like the Redirection plugin):

    1. Install and activate the plugin:
    • Go to Plugins > Add New in your WordPress dashboard.
    • Search for Redirection and install it.
    • Activate the plugin.
    1. Set up the redirection rules:
    • Go to Tools > Redirection.
    • Click Add New.
    • Set the source URL as /(.*) to catch all pages.
    • Set the target URL as your front page (e.g., https://yoursite.com/front-page/).
    • In the Conditions section, set it to redirect only if the user is not logged in.

    This rule will make sure non-logged-in users are sent to your front page.

    1. Check your headers and footers:
      Since your page is built with Elementor and already includes the right header/footer, there’s no extra work needed to keep the design.

    The result:

    • Logged-in users/admins: They can still access all other pages.
    • Non-logged-in visitors: They’ll be automatically redirected to your front page and see the page with your chosen design.

    This method is easy to use and doesn’t require coding while keeping your layout and design intact.

    Thread Starter dccorp


    Thank you very much for your answers and guidance !

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