• I have been using the plugin for about 2 months now: out of 130 orders received, about 10 have had problems with VAT not being exempted even though the VAT number entered is correct (and is also registered correctly in the user profile page).

    On testing, I see that it often takes a very long time to check the validity of the VAT number and I think that some of these users have proceeded with the purchase without waiting for the result of the validation.

    I have tried changing the option of ‘Validate action trigger“ from Input to Blur, so as to reduce the validation requests while typing, changing ”First validation method”, and enabling “Force VAT recheck on checkout” but have not seen any improvement.

    “Reduce concurrent request to VIES” option, how does it work? If I enable it and there are too many errors for MS_MAX_CONCURRENT_REQ is VAT exempt or not?

    Have any of you had a similar experience and understood what it is caused by, or is there any setting to solve this type of problem?

    WordPress: 6.6.2
    WooCommerce: 9.3.2
    EU/UK VAT for WooCommerce: 2.12.12

    Thank you!

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