• Hello, the home page slider on the company site won’t consistently stretch the full row. Any advice? When you initially load the page usually it is fine but then after loading and the cache isn’t cleared it causes a problem.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter bllips


    To add, if you click a new webpage tab and then click back into the site then the slider works just fine and stretches.

    Moderator t-p


    WordPress out of the does not have slider.

    Are using a slider plugin? If yes, what plugin? Acquired from?

    Or is it a feature of your theme? If yes, what theme? Acquired from?

    Thread Starter bllips


    it’s from the slider revolution plugin

    Moderator James Huff


    Since that is a commercial plugin, we ask that you please go to their official support channel, so you can get support from the people who know it best: https://www.sliderrevolution.com/help-center/

    Forum volunteers do not have access to commercial products, so they would not know why it is not working correctly. Other community members who may have faced your issue might be able to help you, but your best bet is your product’s developer. We encourage you to use the official support venues, as it allows the developers to be aware of issues with their code and gives back to the community in a more robust way.

    Moderator bcworkz


    It appears the issue isn’t with the slider, but a plugin called JS Composer. I’m not familiar with this plugin, it appears to be an extension for Visual Composer perhaps? Anyway, it is adding CSS code that prevents a full width slider under some circumstances. You could likely add your own custom CSS to negate what the plugin is doing. If you have trouble doing this, I recommend contacting the developers of the plugin through their dedicated support channel for specific advice.

    This plugin appears to also be a commercial product, so there’s little more we can offer for help beyond “it’s a CSS issue with JS Composer”.

    This issue is likely caused by the slider’s CSS or JavaScript conflicting with caching. To resolve it, try the following steps:

    -> Clear cache: Ensure your browser and any caching plugins (e.g., WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache) are cleared.
    -> Check responsiveness settings: Ensure that the slider is set to be full-width in its settings and responsive across devices.
    -> CSS adjustments: Add custom CSS like width: 100%; or max-width: 100%; to force the slider to stretch fully.
    -> Defer JavaScript: If your site uses JavaScript deferral, ensure that the slider’s JS isn’t delayed by cache loading.
    You can use a plugin like “Autoptimize” to fine-tune these settings.

    Also, try disabling plugins one by one to find potential conflicts.

    The reason why the slider is not stretching to the full screen is because of css being applied to the slider container, specifically on the class .vc_column_container>.vc_column-inner
    This is the styles applied for this class:

    1. box-sizing: border-box;
    2. padding-left: 15px;
    3. padding-right: 15px;
    4. width: 100%;

      If you remove padding-left and padding-right, the slider would stretch to the whole screen width.

      Hope this helps.
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