• Hi.

    I’m trying to move a website from my Laragon local environment to Local. First I tried to use Wp Migrate Lite but it always failed with the message “File dump info empty”.

    Then I tried to export the website using Duplicator, Undraft and manually but, even if the website was created “successfully”, WP Admin url was wrong, duplicating the domain name (mydomain.local/mydomain.local/wp-login.php); on the other side, the frontend was visually broken, missing a lot of elements. And this is the better result I’ve got.

    So I came back to Wp Migrate Lite, trying to export only the database: this plugin is the only one I have found that gives the option to change domain name and website path (all in One Migration Tool gives this option too, but in the provided sql dump file nothing is replaced).

    I keep getting the same error. Exporting only the database, all plugins deactivated except WP Migrate, fails instantly with the message: “The Export migration failed during the Table Migration stage.” In a box as it were some code the message “File dump info empty”.

    debug.log is empty (except some error due to the deactivation of all plugins), Site Health reports as only one critical issue the fact that the debug.log file is publicly accessible.

    Here I give you Diagnostic Info & Error Log:

    site_url(): https://codingfix.test
    home_url(): https://codingfix.test
    site_path(): C:\laragon\www\codingfix

    Database Name: codingfix
    Table Prefix: lpLdWsmq

    WordPress Version: 6.6.2

    WP Migrate DB: 2.6.11

    Web Server: ………………… Apache/2.4.47 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.1.1k PHP/7.4.19
    PHP: ………………………. 7.4.19
    WP Memory Limit: ……………. 40M
    PHP Time Limit: …………….. 36000
    Blocked External HTTP Requests: None
    fsockopen: …………………. Enabled
    OpenSSL: …………………… OpenSSL 1.1.1k 25 Mar 2021
    cURL: ……………………… Enabled
    Enable SSL verification setting: No
    Opcache Enabled: ……………. Disabled

    MySQL: ………………. 8.0.16
    ext/mysqli: ………….. yes
    WP Locale: …………… en_US
    DB Charset: ………….. utf8

    Debug Mode: … Yes
    Debug Log: …. Yes
    Debug Display: No
    Script Debug: No
    PHP Error Log: C:\laragon\www\codingfix/wp-content/debug.log

    WP Max Upload Size: 2 GB
    PHP Post Max Size: 2 GB

    WPMDB Bottleneck: …… 1 MB
    Compatibility Mode: …. Yes
    Delay Between Requests: 0

    WP_HOME: ……. https://codingfix.test
    WP_SITEURL: …. https://codingfix.test
    WP_CONTENT_URL: https://codingfix.test/wp-content
    WP_CONTENT_DIR: C:\laragon\www\codingfix/wp-content
    WP_PLUGIN_DIR: C:\laragon\www\codingfix/wp-content/plugins
    WP_PLUGIN_URL: https://codingfix.test/wp-content/plugins

    Media Uploads
    Transfer Bottleneck: …… 2 GB
    Upload Folder Permissions: 777

    Themes & Plugins
    Transfer Bottleneck: ……… 2 GB
    Themes Permissions: ………. 777
    Plugins Permissions: ……… 777
    Must-Use Plugins Permissions: 777
    WP-Content Permissions: …… 777
    WP-Core Permissions: ……… 777

    Active Theme Name: Greenshift Child
    Active Theme Folder: C:\laragon\www\codingfix/wp-content/themes/greenshift-child
    Parent Theme Folder: greenshift

    Active Plugins

    • WP Migrate Lite (v2.6.11) by WP Engine

    Must-Use Plugins

    • Affiliate Plugin (v1.0.3)
    • WP Migrate Lite Compatibility (v1.3) by Delicious Brains

    Hope you can help, because I’d like to get everything in Local and stay with Laragon only for Laravel projects.

    Thank you!

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