• Over the past few months, we’ve been getting a lot of spam through out serve page. All of it selects every option on the page, most of it is in Russian (with a few illicit drug or penis enlargement links, which is rather awkward to be sent to a church), the bulk of the rest is in English and is political in nature, but it’s becoming an increasing volume of it with a few each week.

    Is there a way to minimize spam beyond the reCaptcha?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • There are also honeypot plugins like this one: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/honeypot/

    However, it is crucial that you use WPForms for the form. I would recommend you to ask at their support forum: https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/wpforms-lite/

    Thread Starter officeatjoychurch


    @threadi I like the idea of the honeypot and that would probably fix the problem entirely… but I see that it’s only available in Pro. We’re a small church with a limited budget and the extra fees for Pro just aren’t in our budget options at this time (especially for something as minimal as a few spam E-mails per week).

    I’ll keep poking around and see what I can find. Thanks!

    WP Armour is free and also compatible with WPForms in this regard.

    Hello @officeatjoychurch,

    Use Wordfence alongside other anti-spam plugins like Akismet for more comprehensive protection. In Wordfence, identify and manually limit access to suspicious IPs. Additionally, configure the firewall settings to block frequent offenders and restrict access from known spam IPs.

    If you’re not already using it, Akismet is a free plugin that can help detect and block spam submissions. It’s widely used and effective for many types of spam.

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