Automatic Platform Optimization (APO) support
Given?that?we?already?have?a?Cloudflare?APO?subscription,?is?it?possible?to?use?your?plugin?in?place?of?the?official?one? Does?it?serve?as?a?full?replacement and supports APO?
Yes, the Guest Page Caching option (you do need to enable it) is a full replacement for APO. APO is not needed for any practical purpose with that enabled. Guest Page Caching causes your pages/HTML to be served from the closest Cloudflare data center to the user viewing the page. specifically mentions “Served by Cloudflare APO” when used on the website and this is a separate product:
Need to use official plugin for it.
If something is measuring specifically as being served by APO, then it would be correct that using this plugin does not do that. It *does* do what APO does though, just not using the APO plugin. APO is “measured” simply by there being a
cf-edge-cache: cache,platform=wordpress
HTTP header present.You could add this line of PHP if you want to fake having the APO plugin installed (it’s literally what APO the plugin is doing itself):
header('cf-edge-cache: cache,platform=wordpress');
SpeedVitals isn’t doing anything beyond checking if the HTTP header that the APO plugin adds is there or not. Having that header there doesn’t actually make the site any faster or slower as long as the page is being served by Cloudflare network edge (via data centers). In fact, it would be marginally slower simply because there’s a few bytes of overhead you are adding to the page by adding that HTTP header.
This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by
It’s?hard?to?believe?that you?can have complete APO?functionality?without?an?APO subscription?
Unlike Cloudflare APO, using a “cache everything” page rule doesn’t provide you with a global replication layer that automatically copies HTML to data centers around the world. With a “cache everything” page rule configured, a request to your site from Tokyo will only result in a page being cached in Tokyo. With APO, a request to your site from Tokyo will trigger Cloudflare to store the HTML page in Workers KV, which automatically replicates across Cloudflare’s global network within 60 seconds. To put it simply, APO effectively decentralizes your site’s origin by mirroring your site across Cloudflare’s global edge network.
Well, as that article points out, if you use a
Cache Everything
mechanism like how Super Page Cache does it, you do end up with some weird issues like needing to use cache-busting unique URLs for logged in users (there are some other weird things too).This plugin is NOT using the Cache Everything directive so we don’t need to have ugly/unique URLs for logged in users. The advantage that APO used to have is that it would push updated cache to multiple data centers without needing to wait for a user to request it from each data center. However, Cloudflare now has the Smart Tiered Cache Topology available to all accounts. See:
To answer your question… yes you really can do APO functionality without an APO subscription if you are technical enough, and that’s one of many things this plugin does. If you want to keep using APO, you most certainly can. If you are paying for APO, do some benchmarks with a site like Speed Vitals with APO and then with guest page caching enabled with this plugin and measure the TTFB difference yourself to gauge what the difference actually is.
Quite interesting. How about querying Cloudflare and if APO is enabled add
header('cf-edge-cache: cache,platform=wordpress');
to make use of it, since we already have it in our plan? Does that make any sense?Not sure it makes that much sense to fake the APO plugin being installed. If you want to use APO, just install the APO plugin, no? I’m not a fan of adding useless HTTP headers to every request and making network traffic larger for clients than it needs to be. Especially when it’s a header that literally serves no actual purpose.
Just not a particularly great idea to do something to fake that another plugin is installed when it’s not, when you can simply just install that plugin. It’s no different than adding a
HTTP header to show a site is using Super Page Cache when it’s really not.The
header is completely ignored by browsers, it’s purely informational, so adding it just to add it but not doing anything else is kind of silly imo.Didn’t mean to fake it just for fun. I thought Cloudflare uses it as a signal for certain APO functionality.
This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by
I don’t think they do… If you enable APO on your account, the requests will be routed to their own internal Worker that more or less does what enabling the
Tiered Cache Topology
setting does (it’s why it’s a setting toggle in Cloudflare dashboard).Are you seeing any actual TTFB differences when you use APO vs. this plugin? That’s the real measure since that’s what APO helps with (TTFB for the pages for non-logged in users).
APO isn’t a magic thing in itself, it’s just Cloudflare’s own branded name for putting some puzzle pieces together. You can brand it whatever you want, but it’s not going to magically make it faster than something else that’s also putting those same puzzle pieces together.
Still haven’t tested it in the production.
When comparing “Edge caching with plugin” and “Edge caching without plugin” section in the URL above, seeing the following difference:
- With plugin have “30 seconds or faster cache invalidation” instead of “Cache invalidation may take up to 30 minutes.”
- With plugin have “Bypass HTML caching for logged in users”. I suppose your plugin handles this already.
- With plugin have “Decrease load on origin servers. If a request is fetched from Cloudflare CDN Cache we skip the request to the origin server.” instead of “No decreased load on origin servers. If a request is fetched from Cloudflare CDN Cache we still require an origin response to apply cache invalidation logic.”
Well the blog post talking about the merits of APO is over 4 years old at this point, which is an eternity for the Internet. If Cloudflare didn’t constantly make improvements to various aspects of their services, it might still be valid… but they have improved a lot since then.
- 30 seconds or faster cache invalidation is referring to doing a realtime cache purge via the API vs simply not doing anything. This plugin does the same cache purge API calls that the APO plugin does. And while “30 seconds or less” seems decent, even that has been vastly improved since 2020. Specifically, the API call that invalidates cache makes it happen in 0.15 seconds now (it’s no longer an “up to 30 seconds” thing. See:
- Yes of course. It wouldn’t make sense to serve or store cached pages rendered by logged in users (you don’t want to serve cached content to guests that look like they were logged in as some random user… or vice versa).
- Right… they are comparing network edge caching (serving cached content from their data centers) to browser caching. A browser cache mechanism contacts the origin to “ask” if anything has changed or not. Like APO, this plugin does not cause any sort of origin requests when cached content is served (not even to check if it’s been modified).
As I mentioned earlier, “APO” is really just Cloudflare’s branding on some network/server trickery. You can do all the things without calling it APO. This plugin is doing everything APO does (plus more). I’m happy to keep talking about APO and what it is/isn’t or benchmarking or anything else here, but I’m going to go ahead and mark this as resolved simply because “APO support” in this plugin is kind of like asking if Chrome can implement Firefox support. Browsers (and APO) are a collection of underlying things, but Chrome isn’t necessarily missing something just because it’s not called Firefox (if that makes sense?).
This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by
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