Bypass by cookies not work
Bypass by cookies not work, still cache CSS and JS (cf-cache-status:HIT):
Use defult added cache rule by plugin:
( wildcard “*” and not starts_with(http.request.uri.path, “/wp-admin”) and not starts_with(http.request.uri.path, “/wp-login”) and not starts_with(http.request.uri.path, “/wp-json/”) and not starts_with(http.request.uri.path, “/wc-api/”) and not starts_with(http.request.uri.path, “/edd-api/”) and not starts_with(http.request.uri.path, “/mepr/”) and not http.request.uri.path contains “/register/” and not http.request.uri.path contains “/dashboard/” and not http.request.uri.path contains “/members-area/” and not http.request.uri.path contains “/wishlist-member/” and not http.request.uri.path contains “phs_downloads-mbr” and not http.request.uri.path contains “/checkout/” and not ends_with(http.request.uri.path, “.xsl”) and not ends_with(http.request.uri.path, “.xml”) and not ends_with(http.request.uri.path, “.php”) and not starts_with(http.request.uri.path, “/*preview”) and not starts_with(http.request.uri.query, “s=”) and not starts_with(http.request.uri.query, “p=”) and not http.request.uri.query contains “nocache” and not http.request.uri.query contains “nowprocket” and not http.cookie contains “wordpress_logged_in_” and not http.cookie contains “wordpressuser_” and not http.cookie contains “wordpresspass_” and not http.cookie contains “wordpress_sec_” and not http.cookie contains “yith_wcwl_products” and not http.cookie contains “edd_items_in_cart” and not http.cookie contains “it_exchange_session_” and not http.cookie contains “dshack_level” and not http.cookie contains “noaffiliate_” and not http.cookie contains “mp_session” and not http.cookie contains “mp_globalcart_” and not http.cookie contains “wp-resetpass-” and not http.cookie contains “upsell_customer” and not http.cookie contains “wlmapi” and not http.cookie contains “wishlist_reg” and http.cookie ne “comment_”)
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