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  • The spacing is created by specifications in your Phlox theme and a plugin. If the theme does not offer you any options for this, you could use this CSS code to reset its specification:

    body .hentry .entry-content, body .hentry .comment-body { margin-bottom: 0 }

    The “Depicter” plugin that you use for the homepage slider also has a margin at the bottom that doesn’t need to be there. You should ask its support how to fix this:

    Thread Starter peroskok


    Thanks, appreciate that! Where to enter this code, in every page custom CSS in elementor or theme general CSS in appearance\themes\customise?

    Ill ask depicter for this bottom margin too.

    Thank you very much, once again!

    If you have an input field under Appearance > Customizer > Additional CSS, then there. Alternatively in the Site Settings of Elementor, as described here:

    Thread Starter peroskok


    Thanks,I tried that, but not working.

    I tried through CSS in theme customisation and through FTP, nothing is happening..

    Grrr ??

    Did you also clear the cache of your optimization plugin WP Optimize afterwards?

    Thread Starter peroskok


    Yes,i did,of course! I figured out problem with this Depicter white space and working on it,but this main problem stands..

    Thread Starter peroskok


    Sure, but I don’t can’t detect that, can you help me detect it – for the particular page? I tried theme settings and I didn’t find anything suspicious

    In the meantime, you have activated a completely different theme. Do you no longer want to pursue the problem?

    Thread Starter peroskok


    Hello,I did a complete wordpress reinstall for some reason,and in meantime there was a default theme visible for some time (forgot to activate maintenance mode) ??

    The problem is still there ??

    Hello, i figured out what to do right now!!!

    Change page template for all pages to elementor full width – the white space is gone!!

    Thank you so much for your time and thanks for willing to help, God bless you! ??

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