• Hi Litespeed,

    I can’t get the crawler to work, I’ve tried lowering the delay etc but it seems to be stuck. I’ve tried a few of the other suggestions i’ve read in the forum but to no success. In the crawler status it just says start watching. The service code is: AFDGWKTI


    • This topic was modified 2 days, 20 hours ago by deanodino1.
Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Plugin Support qtwrk


    try set interval to , at least 61 , or better 300 seconds or more

    did manual start work ?

    Thread Starter deanodino1


    Thanks for responding. I’ve changed all of the settings, both increasing and decreasing them but nothing seems to work. I have set the interval to 300. when I click manual start, the page refreshes but nothing happens – start watching is always displayed

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    go to debug setting , set debug to ON , debug level to advance , debug include URI, add litespeed_type= into that field , save

    then go to log view section ,clean up any existing log

    then wait for 5 minutes , manual start it , if nothing happens , wait for another 5 minutes , manual start it again , then go to log view , share me the debug log it generates

    Thread Starter deanodino1


    Thanks for this, its helped me find the issue. It seems that Hide My WP is blocking the crawler and caching. What could be the issue?

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    eh? I am not sure , perhaps you can check with hide my wp support ?

    in our case, we need to have access to admin-ajax.php

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