Hey ! I allways looking on page in diffirent browser so your advice is in the point.
But no, it does not working. When i try to paste and go this adress in browser where i am logged in wordpress session it just showing up like in other browser, without connection to wordpress, like it will different page on different server. Wordpres does not thing it is his page.
I even try to delete ID page in the adress of editing random page and type biuletin instead to try open it in edit mode but it just auto closing the page.
It looks like i have to go deeper with files and FTP on server. Any advice where to looking ?
There was really old plugin which serve to publish content on this problematic page. I deleted it with all content but iy still up. You can’t even find this plugin on internet now – it was Strony BIP by Klucznicy – serve for governent public information for school and other.
Cache is empty.