• Hello Till,

    I’m reaching out regarding an issue we’ve encountered when using the Redis Object Cache plugin with a fresh installation of WordPress 6.7.1. Despite following the official setup guidelines, our WordPress site fails with the following error:

    Error establishing a Redis connection

    Connection refused

    WordPress is unable to establish a connection to Redis. This means that the connection information in your wp-config.php file are incorrect, or that the Redis server is not reachable.

    • Is the correct Redis host and port set?
    • Is the Redis server running?

    If you need help, please read the?installation instructions.

    To disable Redis, delete the object-cache.php file in the /wp-content/ directory.

    Here are the details of our setup:

    1. WordPress Version: 6.7.1 (fresh installation)
    2. Redis Plugin Version: Redis Object Cache 2.5.4
    3. Server Environment:
      • Dockerized Setup: Using docker-compose
      • Relevant Containers:
        • WordPress (wordpress:php8.0-fpm)
        • Redis (redis:alpine)
        • WP-CLI (custom-wordpress-cli built on the official WP-CLI image)
        • Nginx (nginx:alpine) for frontend
        • MariaDB (mariadb:latest) for the database
        • Varnish (varnish:stable) for caching
    4. Redis Configuration:
      • Redis is running in the my-redis container and is reachable from other containers within the Docker bridge network (my_network).
      • Redis configuration: Default Alpine Redis settings (bind *, protected-mode no).
    5. wp-config.php Constants for Redis
      • define("WP_REDIS_HOST", "my-redis");
      • define("WP_REDIS_PORT", 6379);
      • define("WP_REDIS_DATABASE", 0);
      • define("WP_REDIS_DEBUG", true);
      • define("WP_DEBUG", true);
      • define("WP_DEBUG_LOG", true);
      • define("WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY", false);
      • @ini_set("display_errors", 0);
      • define("WP_REDIS_TIMEOUT", 5);
      • define("WP_REDIS_READ_TIMEOUT", 5);
    6. Plugin Behavior:
      • Activating the plugin creates the object-cache.php drop-in at /wp-content/.
      • The Redis server is accessible (PONG response from Redis CLI within the WordPress container).
      • Enabling Object Cache via the plugin causes the “Error establishing a Redis connection” issue.

    Steps we’ve tried:

    1. Verified network connectivity:
      • Pinged my-redis from the WordPress container (ping my-redis works).
      • Successfully executed redis-cli -h my-redis ping from the WordPress container (PONG response).
    2. Reviewed Redis logs:
      • No errors in Redis logs, and CONFIG GET shows the expected settings (bind, protected-mode, etc.).
    3. Tested Redis connectivity from WP-CLI:
      • WP-CLI reports Redis as reachable, but enabling Object Cache causes the same error.
    4. Tried replacing the object-cache.php file:
      • Replaced it with the latest version from the plugin’s GitHub repository (branch: develop).
    5. Reinstalled the plugin:
      • Deactivated, uninstalled, and reinstalled the Redis Object Cache plugin. The error persisted.
    6. Checked for known compatibility issues:
      • Verified that Redis Object Cache 2.5.4 supports Redis 7.4.1 and PHP 8.0.

    Summary of issue

    • Redis is reachable and functional, yet WordPress fails to connect when Object Cache is enabled.
    • The error specifically points to RedisException: Connection refused in /wp-content/object-cache.php.
    • We suspect a compatibility issue between Redis Object Cache and WordPress 6.7.1 but have not found evidence of this in community forums or issue trackers.


    1. Are there known issues with the Redis Object Cache plugin and WordPress 6.7.1 or Redis 7.4.1?
    2. Could this be related to the object-cache.php drop-in, or should we consider alternative configurations for Redis?
    3. Are there any additional debug steps or alternative plugin versions (e.g., pre-releases) we should test?
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  • Plugin Author Till Krüss


    If your redis-cli -h my-redis ping works from within the WordPress container, it can only be the plugin configuration. Have you tried moving all WP_REDIS_* constants to the top of the wp-config.php file?

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