block editor cannot set border on row block
Just trying to understand, not complaining.
My theme (DI Restaurant) provides for styling a group (row) block with the block editor, but the styles are limited to Color, Typography, and Dimensions. Cannot set a border.
Wondering if this was a fault in the theme, I switched to TwentyTwentyFive – but found even less choice of style.
So, is it true that themes are free to implement as much or as little as they like, in terms of style? If so, how on earth could I search for a theme that supports the styles that I want?
My requirement is limited, so I’m not eager to invest the time in learning how to implement my own block variations.
However, for my particular page, I am willing to diddle with the:
<!-- wp:group {"style":{"spacing":{"padding":{"top":"0.3rem","bottom":"0.3rem"}}},"layout":{"type":"flex","flexWrap":"nowrap"}} -->
block meta syntax (is that the correct word?).
Where can I find that sytax documented?
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