Un-react Not Working
Thanks for the great plugin. We are implementing the premium DA Reactions plugin on on a site and need to be able to allow users to “un-react” to a post. Currently, however, when a user attempts to unreact they get a pop-up message that states “Cannot remove reaction”.
By reviewing the plugin code, I can see there is supposed to be a checkbox in admin that allows me to enable and disable this functionality by setting a “user_can_remove_reaction” option within the “da-reactions_general” option in wp_options. I am unable to locate the setting checkbox in the admin, so I went ahead and manually added into the serialized array in the “da-reactions_general” option (not ideal, I know) so the associative array has an element named “user_can_remove_reaction” with a value of “on” (see below):
[page_type_single] => off
[id_method_cookie] => on
[user_can_change_reaction] => on
[enable_internal_cache] => off
[post_type_page] => off
[post_type_page_comments] => off
[post_type_attachment] => off
[post_type_attachment_comments] => off
[post_type_designate] => off
[post_type_event] => off
[post_type_event_comments] => off
[page_type_archive] => off
[page_type_blog] => off
[chart_colors] => icons
[post_type_social_like_content_disable_5456] => off
[post_type_social_like_content_disable_5464] => off
[post_type_homepage_content] => off
[post_type_homepage_content_enable_52] => off
[post_type_post] => off
[post_type_post_comments] => off
[post_type_post_enable_5322] => off
[post_type_post_enable_comments_5322] => off
[post_type_social_like_content_disable_5466] => off
[post_type_social_like_content_disable_5463] => off
[post_type_social_like_content_disable_5468] => off
[post_type_social_like_content] => on
[post_type_social_like_content_disable_5455] => off
[user_can_remove_reaction] => on
)When I make this change I see the following behaviors:
- If “user_can_remove_reaction” is set to “on”, I am able to remove reactions from the first 2 of the 4 available reactions. The 3rd and 4th reactions do not allow me to remove the reaction.
- If I change “user_can_remove_reaction” to “off” again, I notice that the “Cannot remove reaction” also only appears on the first two elements.
The second two reactions are custom reactions, and the first two are presets from the plugin. Could that be contributing to this behavior somhow?
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