Hi, Kindly go to the theme’s functions.php file and add this filter once. Try it and let us know if it works.
Note: Replace ‘custom_post_type_name‘ with your actual post type name.
/* To enable support for custom post types */
add_filter(‘wpm_posts_config’, ‘wpm_custom_post_type_clbk’);
function wpm_custom_post_type_clbk($config){ $config[‘custom_post_type_name’] = array();
return $config;
/* To enble support for custom post meta fields */
add_filter(‘wpm_post_fields_config’, ‘wpm_custom_post_type_meta_fields’);
function wpm_custom_post_type_meta_fields($config)
$config[‘custom_meta_field’] = array();
return $config;
Also, we have raised a GitHub ticket regarding this concern and are planning to add a feature that will simplify this process, so you won’t need to add any filters again.
Here is the ticket.