Plugin still does it work with some changes.
The Plugin still does it work like it should do under the newest PHP 8.1 and WP 6.7.2
To not get Warnings from Dashboard Options for this Plugin you have to do:
on line 294 at math-comment-spam-protection.php delete the “#” in front of:
‘DeleteOldOpt’ => array(‘plugin_mathcommentspamprotection’),
at inc.swg-plugin-framework.php:
Put following Code before
if ( (!$isdeleted) && ($this->g_opt[‘pluginversion’] != $this->g_info[‘Version’]) ) {:
at Line 174 :// Initialize plugin options
$this->g_opt = get_option($this->g_info[‘OptionName’], array());// Ensure ‘pluginversion’ key is set if it doesn’t exist
if (!isset($this->g_opt[‘pluginversion’])) {
$this->g_opt[‘pluginversion’] = ”;
}thats all & enjoy
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