There are many, many positive things about this site. I haven’t seen the horizontal scrolling one, but the good in summary:
1) layout – very nice, fresh, clean
2) colours – good use of colours, not typical and commonly used but well thought out
3) the diary style of having a unique title picture for each post is something I absolutely love and really is something different – just brilliant.
the not so good:
1) the link colour choice is a little odd – you need to add mroe contrast as it’s VERY difficult to see sometimes
2) the image map links are a great idea, but I don’t if trying to add a 3d-esque border actually makes it an ugly distraction – perhaps you may want to rethink that. The idea is very sound, it’s just execution isn’t quite as it should be.
3) the links at the top hover oddly, may need to fix that (Firefox user here)
4) is the links area meant to have a sidebar? There was none that I could see
I like what you do, I think you do some very interesting experimenations, designs and so on and I think you’re carrying out some of the more interesting and original designs than 99% out there so keep up the good work.