• I know, I know, there are a bunch of related topics on this forum, but I’m sorry to say that I just don’t see a simple answer.
    Here’s my situation: I’m managing a website for a local band. I have about eleven different pages and all new posts automatically appear on my landing page. Every other page on my site has one post. When I want to add new content (photo or video or text) to one of those pages, I have to add it to the original post on that page. Now I end up with a large post and if others would like to comment on the new material, their comments get attached to the whole post instead of just to the new targeted material.
    I know that I should have set these pages up as categories instead of pages. At the time, I did not know this. It appears that the solution is to create ten new categories and then use a plugin like “pages link to” and link each page to a category. If I do this, then I have to transfer all of the content on each individual page into the corresponding category. Also, then each new post will appear on my landing page/blogroll. I don’t want new content to automatically show up on my landing page.
    Isn’t there a simpler way to simply allow me to add posts on other pages? If you would like to see my site, it’s at:
    A huge “thank you” for anyone who can help!!

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  • Thread Starter greener14519


    Thank you for the reply. Unfortunately, this doesn’t help me at all. I don’t speak code. I chose to use wordpress because it seemed simple and I knew there was a huge support network. To demonstrate the depths of my ignorance, I copied this from the link you offered:

    “Save this to pageofposts.php and then assign PageofPosts as the Template when creating the action Page:”

    I have no idea what this means or how to initiate it. I did manage to “assign the Custom Field “category” with a value of “Events” to the Page” but after that, I’m lost. Is there a step-by-step writing of how to do this. A “Code for Dummies” if you will?
    Thanks again.

    It appears that the solution is to create ten new categories and then use a plugin like “pages link to” and link each page to a category. If I do this, then I have to transfer all of the content on each individual page into the corresponding category.

    Use this route.

    Also, then each new post will appear on my landing page/blogroll. I don’t want new content to automatically show up on my landing page.

    See Creating_a_Static_Front_Page.

    There is really no simple way to allow adding of new posts to existing pages for multiple pages without a decent knowledge of some various code.

    And then really, you are fighting with WordPress to make it do what you want. When the best option would be to redo the content in the appropriate manner.

    I don’t want this to sound rude, learning can be a pain sometimes. What you want to accomplish, relaly is what categorizing posts was intended to be used for

    Thread Starter greener14519


    Thank you esmi and Rev. Voodoo.
    Rev. Voodoo, I think you said it all in your first sentence. In regards to your final statement, I agree. However, I consider myself a reasonable intelligent person. Prior to building my first website, I spent about two weeks of nights and weekends studying several options, but focusing primarily on the www.ads-software.com option. I read thousands of posts from the support forums. I read all the literature I could find on www.ads-software.com. I can’t say I understood much of it at the time, but I did my darndest to prepare for a good installation.
    Maybe it was my lack of understanding, but I can honestly say that nowhere did I see anything that explained clearly that the best way to add content to multiple pages of a website would be to use categories instead of pages. And I know I’m not alone because, now that I have this issue, I’ve been targeting my searches on the forums and I find dozens of people with the same issue.
    At the risk of sounding like a pitiful crybaby, couldn’t someone design a plugin that allows a user to put new posts up on multiple pages of a website?
    Thank you both for your help.

    well, there may be plugins…..

    the page of posts method works great, and understanding how query posts works will go a long way.

    you can do all sorts of stuff once you understand templates, and queries

    But even that won’t combine pages and posts too easily for multiple instances.

    Really the easiest way is to categorize posts, and use WPs custom menu feature to just add categories to your menu.

    kind of explains what pages are vs. posts

    But in the end…. the codex is written by a bunch of volunteers. So what makes perfect sense to one of us, may make no sense to another.

    And as you use WP, you may find yourself re-working various things. I know I did as I learned.

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