• Hi there. Super new to this- but I put the wrong web address in my settings. Instead of homekeepingacademy.com, I messed with it and mistakenly put THEhomekeepingacademy.com-now I can’t get into my admin at all. Can anyone help!? Thank you so much!!

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  • To solve this you have to change the URL in the database or in the wp-config.php file. Both ways are described in the article here: https://developer.www.ads-software.com/advanced-administration/upgrade/migrating/#changing-the-site-url

    If you need help accessing your domain via FTP or an interface, please contact your host’s support team.

    Moderator bcworkz


    Access the phpMyAdmin app via your hosting account. Find your WP site’s database there. Navigate to the wp_options table (the “wp_” part will vary, the “options” part will not). Find your errant entries and correct then directly by editing each errant record.

    Do so very carefully, don’t alter other data. To be extra safe, you could first, as a backup, export the table or entire DB as a .sql file. It’s always good to have a recent backup ??

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