• Hi,
    I am trying to add the tablecontrols to the TinyMCE toolbar. I have been looking for an explanation to do this, but no one seams to explain this for wordpress 3.0.

    Everywhere people say to upload the table plugin to the wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins folder, but than comes the difference:

    Sometimes I see an explanation by edditing the includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_config.php file, but this file seems not to exist in my installation (wordpress 3.0?).

    Otherwise I see an explanation for adding other buttons, which are already installed in wordpress, by edditing the functions file. For all the other buttons I have added it worked, but for the tablet his does not work:

    function fb_change_mce_buttons( $initArray ) {
    	$initArray['theme_advanced_blockformats'] = 'p,pre,h1';
    	$initArray['theme_advanced_buttons1'] = 'bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,bullist,numlist,blockquote,hr,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,|,link,unlink,|,spellchecker,fullscreen,wp_adv';
    	$initArray['theme_advanced_buttons2'] = 'formatselect,|,pastetext,pasteword,removeformat,|,charmap,|,outdent,indent,|,undo,redo,sub,sup,|,anchor,cleanup,wp_help';
    	$initArray['theme_advanced_buttons3'] = 'tablecontrols';
    	return $initArray;
    add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'fb_change_mce_buttons');

    all the controls are listed here:
    Button reference

    Can anyone explain to me how to get the table buttons to work in the TinyMCE toolbar?


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