• 1. Above the header, it now reads the name of the site in HUUUUGGGEEEE writing that I do not want AT ALL and much preferred just having the header at the top.

    2. At the bottom of the page, it has replaced what I originally had written (after I paid a consultant to set up my site) with the name of the site. How do I change what is written there??

    3. How do I remove the ‘proudly powered by WordPress’? It’s not that I don’t respect, admire and love WordPress – as I am always quick to reccommend it to friends – but I need my site to look as professional as possible as it is for business purposes.

    Damn it, I KNEW i shouldn’t have installed that update and I did it anyway… Please will someone tell me what to do to clean up my mess.

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  • Hi 44calshak, check your plugins – are there any issues there? No idea what might be wrong, just chipping in that I had a similar problem, the cause was that more than half of my plugins disappeared from wordpress (though the files are still there!)

    your info is not very detailed.

    are you using the Twenty Ten theme?

    then your changes might heve been overwritten with a new version.

    if so, re-upload your backup copies of your theme (surely your consultant has made or kept backup copies?)
    and consider to turn your theme into a child theme of twenty ten

    Thread Starter 44calshak


    thank you for you advice but i am still lost at sea!!

    yes, I am using the Twenty Ten theme 1.1

    I am sent a backup file once a week but i have no idea how to apply it. It ends with ‘.sql.gz’ and that completely baffles me!

    But surely the things I am asking to change are pretty standard proceedures??! Have a look: https://44calibreshakespeare.com/

    I just want to go backwards!!! I have also noticed that it has positioned all the text into a smaller colum, leaving alot of blank space either side which is really annoying. I am NEVER updating my wordpress again!

    I do not want to mess around with the theme because i have done a huge amount of work on altering backgrounds, headers etc. and i do not want to jeapordise them as often even simply viewing a page in the visual editor changes the site.
    p.s. jaguarcy, thank you for the suggestion but it does not appear to affected any of my plugins!

    Thread Starter 44calshak


    thank you for you advice but i am still lost at sea!!

    yes, I am using the Twenty Ten theme 1.1

    I am sent a backup file once a week but i have no idea how to apply it. It ends with ‘.sql.gz’ and that completely baffles me!

    But surely the things I am asking to change are pretty standard proceedures??! Have a look: https://44calibreshakespeare.com/

    I just want to go backwards!!! I have also noticed that it has positioned all the text into a smaller colum, leaving alot of blank space either side which is really annoying. I am NEVER updating my wordpress again!

    I do not want to mess around with the theme because i have done a huge amount of work on altering backgrounds, headers etc. and i do not want to jeapordise them as often even simply viewing a page in the visual editor changes the site.
    p.s. jaguarcy, thank you for the suggestion but it does not appear to affected any of my plugins!

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Take a deep relaxing breath. You’re not that bad off since it looks like your only issue is with your theme.

    You should move forward because the 3.0.4 update looks important. From the announcement 3.0.5 may be out soon if the patch gets more scrutiny and you really do want to stay current.

    I think I see what the problem is (or might be). You or someone modified the Twenty Ten theme. That’s a huge gut wrenching, debilitating “No-No” because the Twenty Ten theme is shipped with the WordPress files. When you did the update your file modifications were overwritten.

    Do you have a file backup? You are probably on good ground with that .sql.gz file but that’s only your database. That is VERY important but you should also have a file backup somewhere.

    If you do, do not restore the files to your blog. Restore them somewhere temporary and I or someone here will walk you through restoring your theme to another directory and name possibly as a child theme.

    That way you keep your theme modifications and can continue to apply critical updates.

    Thread Starter 44calshak


    Jan! you are some kind of real life hero! i feel much better now…

    The day is starting to get very busy and I must leave the computer now but i will be back tomorrow to go through your advice properly and sort this out. Thank you so much for taking the time to help me, you are surely an excellent example

    was there any solution to this? I have the same problem (logo above the twenty-ten header image was removed and replaced with the title of the site), and not sure how to fix it.
    I replaced the header.php file with the header file i edited before the wp update, but it shows a distorted box without the logo. My site is fundacionchimborazo.org
    Any ideas?

    this was my header before the update:

    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]

    Can anyone please help? Thanks in advance!

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    …Don’t copy code into a post, use https://wordpress.pastebin.com/ instead…

    and not sure how to fix it.

    If you modified the Twenty Ten then you created problems for yourself.

    Restore a copy of your old theme into a new directory, modify the style.css to change the name, and try to activate the theme.

    That’s the short and not best way to do it. The better way would be to create a child theme of Twenty Ten.

    sorry.. first time posting.

    so i would just need to modify the style.css and add it with my old header.php file into a new child theme directory? Its only the header.php that i modified to add an image above the header instead of having text.
    Unless theres an easier way to add an image above the header..

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Yep. Try starting your new child theme wp-content/themes/my-theme/style.css like this

     * Theme Name: My TwentyTen Child Theme
     * Description: My Cool TwentyTen Child Theme
     * Version: 0.1
     * Template: twentyten
    @import url("../twentyten/style.css");

    And add your CSS changes to that new style.css file. Copy your header.php to the new wp-content/themes/my-theme directory and see if that works for you.


    I’ve been having the same problem using a modded twentyten. Now — taking Jan’s excellent advice, I’m trying to get my child theme to work on a test directory of my server. I already upgraded the test directory to wp 3.0.4

    I’ve made the child theme (called dadascope) and I installed it in the ‘themes’ directory. When I preview it I get this message:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare twentyten_page_menu_args() (previously declared in /home1/user/public_html/mydomain-com/test/wp-content/themes/dadascope/functions.php:214) in /home1/user/public_html/mydomain-com/test/wp-content/themes/twentyten/functions.php on line 217

    here’s the code in question:
    from dadascope/functions.php lines 214-218:

    function twentyten_page_menu_args( $args ) {
    	$args['show_home'] = true;
    	return $args;
    add_filter( 'wp_page_menu_args', 'twentyten_page_menu_args' );

    from twentyten/functions.php lines 214-218:

    function twentyten_page_menu_args( $args ) {
    	$args['show_home'] = true;
    	return $args;
    add_filter( 'wp_page_menu_args', 'twentyten_page_menu_args' );

    Anybody have any advice on how to fix this?


    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Humor me and try the simplest solution I can think of: rename dadascope/functions.php to dadascope/functions-save.php and then try to preview your child theme.

    Hi Jan — that got rid of the fatal error.

    I activated the theme but only some of the styling carried over…the new header graphic I made is gone and some of the old styles are still in effect.

    Thanks for your generosity,


    Thanks for your help Jan.

    Unfortunately both suggestions led to a page without the logo I wanted above the header image. You would think there’d be an easy way to add an image there and not have just the site title in plain text.

    I will search around some more, if anyone has any ideas or knows how to do this without having to worry about future updates messing it up, i’d appreciate it much.

    The way to have a site without future updates messing it up is very simple, do not edit twentyten theme.

    Use a child theme.

    It literally takes less than 5 minutes to set up and actiivate a very basic child theme. All edits happen in the child theme. Then an update will never overwrite your edits

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