[Plugin: Google Doc Embedder] Please Help Nothing Uploading
Good Morning,
This looks like a great plugin and it is exactly what I am looking for for my website.
However, I cannot get anything to appear on my website.
I am new to web design and am likely doing something wrong. I cannot find an answer to this by searching the forums.I have two documents on Google Docs that are open to anyone with the link. I have used ever possible formation of your code:
[gview file=”https://full-path.to/file.pdf”%5D
with the address that the document it on:
I have also tried the addresses given on the Google docs page in the box labeled:
“Link to this page”
– Paste in email or IM:
– Embed in webpage or blog:I don’t know if the address I am using is correct, because it is much longer than any of the addresses shown in your examples.
The only way I can get anything to show up on the page is with the embed link given on the Google docs page:
<iframe width=100% height=560px frameborder=0 src=https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=false&embedded=true&srcid=0B3Z6JIUA66GhZWZjY2IxOWItYjdmMS00ZjZlLWE5Y2QtZmZhMTI0ZWZiMjA0&authkey=CNvC4qYD&hl=en></iframe>
When I use it, I have no need of the [gview file=”https://full-path.to/file.pdf”%5D code, but there is also no way to make the download link appear at the bottom of the viewer.
The end state I am trying to achieve is to have the doc show up in the viewer on the page with the download link below it.
Any assistance and guidance into what I am doing wrong would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
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