• Hi again,

    Well 9 months into my WP blog and I finally began tinkering with the php…but not alot and not often. My free theme contains a 404 page which I rarely look at and recently I checked it out to discover that the 404 message begins far to the left of the blog area, in the left “margin” of the blog…if you get what I mean. Anyway,

    I’ve done all I dare to do for fear of annihilating something. My last effort is included here, which I copied from the WP 404 page( my message) on this WP.org site:

    <?php get_header(); ?>
    <div id=”content” class=”narrowcolumn”>
    <h2 class=”center”>404 – Sorry, the content you’re looking for can’t be found. Please check the url and try again. Thank you for visiting…and Happy Speaking! </h2>

    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    It also begins in the left margin. Can I get it centered more without destroying my site? between you & me, php scares me.

    Tom Dolan – and if you’d like to visit: tomjdolan.com

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