Well the good news is that solution, like the mktime solution that alanft suggested, doesnt cause any error. The bad news is, neither of them print the widget.
I even went as far as to use the most complete, specific formatting possible in order to test it:
date("D?M?j?G:i:s?T?Y") > 'Wed?May?18?14:18:00?EDT?2011' && date("D?M?j?G:i:s?T?Y") < 'Wed?May?18?14:19:00?EDT?2011'
I changed the time zone to make sure it wouldnt be using my server’s time zone. I changed it to daylight time, etc. It just doesn’t print anything. I guess something in the widget code itself has to be added to recognize this stuff?
I just went looking for another logic extender, but I can’t find any except for “Dynamic Widgets” — however from the screenshots, it appears as though you cannot set specific date ranges for specific widgets. The most specific I could get is setting a date range for all Text Widgets on a certain page. ??
This seems like it would be relatively easy for the Widget Logic programmer to incorporate. I hope he/she does soon.