• https://www.michael-livni.org/?cat=13

    This is one of my blog categories. I have some posts that contain media in them. I want to write “PowerPoint” or “video” at the end of the title and paint it with red.

    So I took the original title “2010 – Self-Fulfillment and Self-Realization PowerPoint”

    and changed it to "2010 – Self-Fulfillment and Self-Realization <font color="red"> PowerPoint</font>"

    It shows as:
    PowerPoint”>2010 – Kibbutz and the Challenge of Eco-Zionism PowerPoint

    Why is PowerPoint”> showing in the beginning of my title and how do I get rid of it?

    btw, using span style produces the same result. span class also.

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  • Moderator keesiemeijer


    Because you cannot have quotes or tags in the link attribute “title.
    title="2010 – Self-Fulfillment and Self-Realization <font color="red"
    How do you output these links?

    Thread Starter Ore4444


    <h3><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3>

    What is a link attribute?

    Moderator keesiemeijer


    When you hover over the link with your mouse you see the title attribute.

    Try it with
    <h3><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3>

    Thread Starter Ore4444


    Keesiemeijer, thank you very much!
    It worked. How did it work and what is the difference between the_title and the_title_attribute?

    Moderator keesiemeijer


    For more info: the_title_attribute();

    provides a ‘clean’ version of the title by stripping HTML tags and converting certain characters

    Thread Starter Ore4444


    Thanks a lot!

    I have a different problem now. On every category page (and only there) the horizontal line that separates between the content and the footer is too long and disproportional.

    How can I fix it and why is it happening only on the category pages?

    Moderator keesiemeijer


    validate your category page

    you didn’t close <body>

    Line 172, Column 7: end tag for “div” omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified </body>
    You may have neglected to close an element, or perhaps you meant to “self-close” an element, that is, ending it with “/>” instead of “>”.

    Thread Starter Ore4444


    Wow, validating the document was a really good process for me.
    I learned a lot from it.

    It’s validated now but the problem persists. What should I do next?

    Thanks again for all the help

    Moderator keesiemeijer


    try it with this footer.php:

    <div id="footer">
    <p><span class="credits">&copy; <?php echo date('Y'); ?> <a href="<?php bloginfo('home'); ?>"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a> - <a href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>" rel="nofollow" >Entries (RSS)</a> - <a href="<?php bloginfo('comments_rss2_url'); ?>" rel="nofollow">Comments (RSS)</a> - <?php wp_loginout(); ?></span><br /><a href="https://lorem-ipsum-dolor-sit-amet.com/wooden-mannequin/">Theme design</a> by <a href="https://lorem-ipsum-dolor-sit-amet.com/" title="Design by Lorem Ipsum">Lorem Ipsum</a> - Powered by <a href="https://www.ads-software.com/" rel="nofollow" >WordPress</a></p>
    <?php do_action('wp_footer'); ?>

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