• Resolved farinha


    How do I customize how my theme shows up in the list of available themes under the “Appearance” -> “Themes” section.
    I’m trying to find out how to change the theme name, author, and description.

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  • in style.css, at the top of the file

    Best bet is to put a copy on your computer, change the folder name, edit the header in style.css and reinstall the theme

    WP can freak out if you edit directly in the editor. I’ve done it a couple times and been able to recover, but its scary

    Thread Starter farinha


    In the meanwhile got the answer in WordPress Answers:

    To update the theme name, author, and description you modify the header of the style.css file. Take the one from TwentyTen as an example:

    Theme Name: Twenty Ten
    Theme URI: https://www.ads-software.com/
    Description: The 2010 theme for WordPress is stylish, customizable, simple, and readable — make it yours with a custom menu, header image, and background. Twenty Ten supports six widgetized areas (two in the sidebar, four in the footer) and featured images (thumbnails for gallery posts and custom header images for posts and pages). It includes stylesheets for print and the admin Visual Editor, special styles for posts in the “Asides” and “Gallery” categories, and has an optional one-column page template that removes the sidebar.
    Author: the WordPress team
    Version: 1.1
    Tags: black, blue, white, two-columns, fixed-width, custom-header, custom-background, threaded-comments, sticky-post, translation-ready, microformats, rtl-language-support, editor-style

    Theme Name is also optional….. Everything is optional…

    You just don’t really want to edit theme name on an active theme…..

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