I appreciate the quick replies. I will try my best, but please take into account my “newbie”ness.
My site is : https://www.neverfaded.com
I am looking to create a blog similar in look to this: https://coda.co.za/
I like the layout of it. I have looked over many of the WordPress Templates that are avaliable to download, but I dont know if any are better to mess around with to get a similar look to the above site or not. I am leaning towards templates like China Red and Connections if I cannot find one that would offer a similar layout.
I guess I need help figuring out how to install a new template (if this is te best spot to start???). How difficult is it to install a new template? Do you recommend any FTP program over another?
I guess my other immediate questions that pop into my head are my MYSQL database <—– got no clue what that even is.
Also what do i need to do with RSS – also got no clue about this either.
I knew I was tackling a big job creating my first blog, which is also my first website altogether. I appreciate any help anyone can lend me.
I also assure you I will probably have about 700 more questions.
Thank you in advance (again),