alright, prepare for another monolougue:
to do the in-site Community, I suggest phpBB, it looks snazzy, free, has an amazing community, and lots of bridges to WordPress
the bridge I used (note: I tried something called phpauth that failed) is the following:
WordPress Article
phpBB article: . . . just kidding, there is discussion, but no topic has been created ( to my knowledge) of this plugin
How this works: first, install phpBB ( I used Cpanel), I suggest putting it in one directory if you can manage (my site actually has two Forums, but I assigned a redirect to one and directed the config.php, so it looks like I only have one. I messed up on the first one, so I put my Backup on a directory called “Community”)
once you have it installed and activated, you should see a little tab for it, click the tab and you should encounter something like this:
Path to Config.php: *insert Path here*
URL to ucp.php: *insert URL here* (ucp stands for user control panel)
Activate Bridge: o yes
o no
to explain:
the config.php has all of the user data for the forum, when assigned correctly, only registered users on the forum will have accounts ( I think, haven’t muddled much on the matter, my Homepage fell flat before this.)
and the ucp URL assigns a redirect
you should receive four widgets for integration, make sure to be a little conservative about them though, they take up a LOT of room.
If you have trouble still, just email me a good on-screen recording software thats free and I’ll make a tutorial and put it up on my File share in the site’s Wiki section.
thank you for the compliments ?? I’ll work on the homey vibe some more, it’s difficult without using the shade of brown that makes everything hard to read. . .
if you install MODS in phpBB, keep in mind that it is VERY different from plugins in wordpress, you manually move and edit files in phpBB, unless you get a little thing called automod, I know how to explain it, but I think I might be running out of room. . ..
by the way, to Acces “Usergroups” ( if you have an account) it should be under a tab in the User control Panel