• I’m glad to see that someone finally built a Songkick widget. It does what it needs to effectively but does have room to grow into an amazing WordPress integration for Songkick. For the time being it does what I need, but I’m sure there could be more features added for artists to integrate it as their tour listings.

    The only down-side I had was needing a new API key. It took a couple of days for Songkick to get back to me, which means the plugin isn’t as plug and play as one would hope.

    Great work!


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  • Having to wait for an API key makes this plugin a complete failure.

    Well the API key thing isn’t really the developer’s fault, that relies on songkick’s decision to make the API keys appoval manual. Other sites like soundcloud & mailchimp offer automatic API key generation.

    Does anyone know if you can call this plugin with <?php code() ?>

    Plugin Author saleandro


    When calling in php, do you want to get back the list of events already formatted in HTML, or do you want more flexibility? If it’s the first option, does using the shortcode handler function work for you?

    Currently there is no clear interface for a user of the plugin to call the code directly. If you could tell me a little bit about what you’d like to see, I can refactor the code to make that API more distinct and stable.

    thanks for the feedback everyone!

    Wow! thanks for the quick reply saleandro, and thanks for the useful plugin. I figured i could probably hack my way through your code and find a function to call, but before doing that i thought i would ask if there was one.

    All i would really need is it to spit out the list of gigs with some HTML, hopefully with a bit of CSS ontop, so i could just edit the stylesheet to match the rest of the site.


    Oh, i didn’t answer your first question. I’m hoping to call the function from php because i’m placing it inside some template files. Unless there is a magic way of putting shortcodes inside template files??

    This is timely. Hello!

    At the moment, I use Gigpress on my site, but I’m looking into using the Songkick WP plugin instead. However, I don’t want to give up the versatility that Gigpress gives for templating.

    Now, Gigpress has a whole set of its own templates, which is a tall order, but just being able to customise what information the plugin delivers, and wrapping each bit in useful semantic markup would be great. As would the option of delivering in an OL or in a TABLE. What do you guys think?

    Personally i would strongly prefer OL over the TABLE format. That is one of the things that i really dislike about the Gigpress plugin.

    Well no word back from the plugin creator. Need to get this done today, so perhaps i will make my own plugin, or build upon hers.

    Ahhhhhh sooooo… silly me. you can call shortcodes from templates, like so:

    <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[songkick_concerts_and_festivals]’); ?>

    That’s all i really needed. Thanks saleandro!

    Plugin Author saleandro


    hey deweydb, glad you found a solution! I have started working on this, but didn’t have much spare time this week to finish it.

    If you ever make changes to the plugin and want to get them integrated,
    you can fork the project on github and send your pull requests. I keep that project in sync with WordPress’s svn repository.

    Hi Sabrina!

    I hope you’re still keen on making a customisable template function; although deweydb appears happy parsing the shortcode output, I’d much prefer to have the plugin serve the markup I’d like, without having to perform a bunch of extra hackey PHP in the template.

    Please update this thread if/when you get around to releasing something like this! Thank you ??

    hey saleandro

    i would love to move over to this songkick plugin from gigpress but am having formatting issues with the widget which i am not quite geeky enough to solve – is there any chance of making the widget’s formatting customiszble?

    i would like the gigs to appear in a similar format to on my bandcamp site which is https://music.robingrey.com – any chance this can be done – i would be quite happy to send some pocket money your way to help!

    best wishes


    Hey saleandro, great plugin!

    I was wondering if you were planning on adding the functionality to display listings for a metro area (cities etc.) as well as just for artists? It think it should be an simple addition for the plugin as it’s a similar API call (outlined here), I was planning on looking into modifying this myself but I’m a wordpress noob so it would take me a while.

    Thanks a lot!

    Plugin Author saleandro


    Hey everyone,

    – I’ve released a small update (0.9.1), that organises the code a bit better. So if you want to venture into changing the event listings format, I hope that this will make it easier for you.

    – I’m definitely keen on adding customisable event formats, but I’m still thinking about what’s the best way of doing it. As always, contributions are welcomed! ??

    – Adding metro area support should be an easy change, I hope I can do that this week.

    – Maybe we can start using Github for feature requests and bug reports? Github issues is a pretty great way for all of us to keep track of what’s going on.

    Thanks for all your feedback and support ??

    This is great little widget, I am using it for an artist site. However the date boxes in the widget doesn’t look all that good. I’ve been looking into the CSS and I can’t see why it shouldn’t look like it does in the screenshots.

    When I put it on a page using the shortcode it looks good, but not in the widget. Do you have any idea why this is?


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