Hey, I’m so sorry I haven’t replied. Things came up in my life, lol!
Basically, to make full-page.php full page, you would need to open that file (“full-page.php”) and remove the code that displays the entire second column. You should also remove get_sidebar() from that page.
So, in the “full-page.php” file, you should remove everything from <div id="sidebar">
to </div><!-- /sidebar -->
. Keep the footer in place.
You will then need to go to the CSS file and change the widths of your #center div to make it expand the entire page. The problem is, there’s a background gradient on that div that is only 600 or so pixels wide, so unless you make a new version of that gradient, it won’t expand across the entire page. So let’s just get rid of it for now and use a background color. Open “style.css” and add the following rules near the bottom of the sheet:
.page-template-full-page-php #center {
background: none;
width: 930px;
.page-template-full-page-php #sticky,
.page-template-full-page-php #headline,
.page-template-full-page-php #latest,
.page-template-full-page-php #the_loop,
.page-template-full-page-php #comment {
background-image: none;
width: 100%;
Let me know how it goes. I’ve subscribed to this thread so I’ll get an email when you reply.