The plugin works for other people besides me. The main issue seems to be people using old versions, not knowing how to configure it properly, or not being willing to assist with debugging.
Please upgrade to the latest version — it’s now available in .zip, .tar.gz, and .tar.bz2.
Because the plugin runs javascript/dhtml to do the transforms after the page loads, it is imperative that there are no other javascript problems with your page. The other plugin is great, but actually tranforms the text of your blog (vs. modifying the dom), but does have it’s fair share of limitations.
I’m more than happy to help people get it working, but you have to have it installed and enabled, and send me your php version, wp version, where I can access your blog (where it’s on, but not working), and what your settings are on the External Links options panel.
I also don’t visit these forums often, so to contact me you can find my email address in the latest readme, or you can post a reply to my blog entry.
Realize that I also do this in what little spare time I have, for free, so if it takes a few days for me to get back with you, don’t get too upset. And I don’t visit the forums very often.