• Vincent Freeman


    Hi… I just downloaded the Spectrum theme… it looks pretty awesome, just the phrase “Spectrum” is quite ugly. The original favicon also looks sort of disturbing, like the hand of a dying beggar. That’s easy to change though. The phrase, however, remains a piece of cat poo in the vanilla ice cream… any ideas how to kick it?

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  • govpatel


    That is a image upload your own logo image keeping the same size and same name in themes/spectrum images folder.

    Thread Starter Vincent Freeman


    thanks!! of course… I should have figured that out myself lol

    just it’s tough to remove the phrase but keep the nice shades of the surroundings…

    Thread Starter Vincent Freeman


    the other problem I have is that the standard elements of the sidebar won’t leave.

    I thought it’s enough to remove my former widgets and start from an empty sidebar again but it won’t work… it keeps the whole ugly load of
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    As a thought:-
    Are these under the links > public option?
    Chaeck and see if they are hardcoded into the sidebar?



    Can you post your url so that we can the image



    Thread Starter Vincent Freeman


    sorry I decided to go for another theme instead because of those problems… things work fine now…



    Hello, I’m a newbie and struggling…

    Love the Spectrum theme. Worked great while on WordPress.com, but now that I’ve moved it to my godaddy host so I can use my own domain name – i’m having a few issues with Spectrum.

    1) the blog name on top isn’t showing up any more, instead it just says Spectrum, in a large font.

    2) my videos didn’t move over at all, now just the links to the video pages are there and they are not even live !

    I see above, govpatel says “That is a image upload your own logo image keeping the same size and same name in themes/spectrum images folder.”

    But I don’t know how/where to find the themes/spectrum images folder !

    Any chance anyone here can help guide me through how to fix this?

    My blog are : jeacline.com & morselsofjoy.com. Same theme on both

    Many thanks,



    I see above, govpatel says “That is a image upload your own logo image keeping the same size and same name in themes/spectrum images folder.”

    Log in using ftp or server and
    open wp-content folder
    open themes folder
    open spectrum folder
    open images folder
    in this folder you will see your logo image file.

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