• I’d like to remove the search area from my Fudo-themed page; I’ve looked at the previous blogs on this topic; there are some edit-code suggestions; I’m an advanced beginner at code editing so I can do that but I couldn’t find the right page or right code to edit. It looks like search is one of the available widgets in this theme but I couldn’t find that it had been activated.

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  • There are literally thousands of WordPress themes – which means that many people won’t be familiar with your particular theme. So a link to your site where people can see the theme might result in more responses.

    Thread Starter BobBol


    just started building the site at:

    didn’t know wordpress was so theme-dependent

    I visited the Dalton hideout a couple of summers ago. Pretty cool.

    What you call theme dependent is WordPress’s strength. In fact theme and plugin development are closely related so learning to build themes is like learning how to use the plugin API to boot. So I hope you don’t think of that as a bad thing.

    If you haven’t already done so I would check out the “stepping into templates” page in the codex:


    That will help you find your way around any WordPress theme. Once you understand the structure of a theme they are all the same. In many cases you can make hundreds of site designs while barely changing the markup of a given theme at all and just editing the css (style.css which IS your theme really) and maybe a few functions (functions.php which is the DOer of your theme) assuming you started with a robust theme template markup base.

    I hope that helps. I would be more specific but when I looked at your site it looked like you were in the middle of breaking everything to learn how it worked. I’ll look again if you post again after you’ve gotten a little further along.

    Find your day well.

    Thread Starter BobBol


    VERY cool that you’ve seen the hide- out; my family left KS years ago altho I was back at the museum maybe 15 yrs ago;
    the web site is a final project for my first XHTML class which I’m taking online at a local comm college; altho I’m retirement age it looks like I’ll be taking more classes and doing some work in this field; my son owns his own web design biz; I do like this stuff;
    I’ve put a screen shot of my XHTML site so-far on my WP site in case you wanted to take a look;
    thanks for taking the time to respond; I’ll dig into that templates site you sent;

    Yeah anybody who digs a tunnel has a “real” hideout. I’m gonna start digging one today ??

    Best of luck with your class and future endeavors. I think that is really cool you working with your son like that. If you ever need help with WordPress, html/css, or PHP just look me up.

    It looks like you successfully removed the search bar. Is this correct? If so please mark resolved, if not, could you link to an instance of where this is occuring.


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