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  • maorb


    +1 for this.

    I added it manually in the plugin’s code, since without it any drop down menus will be shown behind the embeded issue.

    This should be added in the object and and in the embed.

    Can you please give some hint in which line should we add the wmode=”transparent”?

    thanks in advance.

    The return block that starts at line 140 will look like this after adding. Note that there are 2 places there that the wMode were added, in order to support cross browsers:

    return ( ($showhtmllink == 'true') ? '<div>' : '') .
               '<object style="width:' . $width . $unit . ';height:' . $height . $unit. '" ><param name="movie" value="' . $viewerurl . '?' . $flashvars . '" />' .
               '<param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/><param name="menu" value="false"/> <param name="wMode" value="transparent" />' .
               '<embed src="' . $viewerurl . '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="width:' . $width . $unit . ';height:' . $height . $unit . '" flashvars="' .
               $flashvars . '" allowfullscreen="true" wMode=transparent menu="false" /></object>' .
               ( ($showhtmllink == 'true') ? ( '<div style="width:' . $width . $unit . ';text-align:left;">' .
               ( $folderid ? '' : ('<a href="' . $standaloneurl . '" target="_blank">Open publication</a> - ') ) .
               'Free <a href="" target="_blank">publishing</a>' .
               ( $folderid ? '' : ( $tag ? (' - <a href="' . $moreurl. '" target="_blank">More ' . urldecode($tag) . '</a>') : '' ) ) . '</div></div>' ) : '');

    I hope it helps..

    Thank you Maorb!!!

    Your welcome!
    Just remember if you update the plugin, you should take care for adding the change again (at least till this fix will be part of the plugin…)

    Hey guys,

    Why don’t you try my new plugin, it works slightly differently but wmode=”transparent” is available from the start.

    @tom, what is your new plugin?

    @maorb Would help if I had provided a link…

    Is basically makes it possible to embed Issuu documents in the same way as oEmbedding YouTube, Flickr or Vimeo.

    You can just copy and paste the URL into the post and it will grab the video into your post at the size and with the theme you set in your settings area.

    @tom thanks and good to know, may I’ll use it in the next project I’ll need an Issuu embed. Last project is already on the air with that plugins with some customization.


    @maorb cool well I hope it works out for you, let me know I love seeing my stuff in use, and if you really like it please consider donating to Cancer Research UK as my mum had cancer and many people are affected by it so I want to support them in the fight.

    @tom, I meant that I am already using the wp-issuu plugin in a current project, but I will keep in mind your plugin in a case I’ll need an Issuu embed for another project.
    Cancer research is an important cause to donate for. Their fight is really important to support indeed.

    @maorb I got that but thanks!

    You posted:
    “+1 for this.

    I added it manually in the plugin’s code, since without it any drop down menus will be shown behind the embeded issue.

    This should be added in the object and and in the embed.”

    I’m having the drop down menu issue, too. Can you please tell me what plugin file to modify with the code you supplied above? I can’t find the return block you mention anywhere… I’m not real strong on PHP.

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