• danlharp


    Just upgraded to 3.1 this morning. Everything worked fine: I added a post, moderated some comments, etc. Site URI: https://www.danielharper.org/blog

    Went to look at site this evening, and got the dreaded blank screen. So I tried turning off plugins with an FTP client, and using FTP to make Twentyten theme default — no change. Then I did a fresh install of WordPress 3.1 in another directory — everything worked fine — and used phpMyAdmin to import the data from the MySQL database of danielharper.org/blog — upon which I got the blank screen of death once again.

    So I’m thinking that somehow something’s wrong with the data in the MySQL database of danielharper.org/blog. I’m seeing nothing on these forums about others having problems with the blank screen of death with 3.1. But I wanted to put this out on the forums and see if anyone has had a similar experience.

    Hoping against hope that someone will have something for me, since my last clean backup is two months old ??

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  • Moderator t-p


    White screen is normally a PHP problem, so I’d guess a theme or plugin issue.

    So try:

    -deactivating ALL plugins temporarily to narrow down and possibly fix the problem. If the problem goes away, activate them individually (one-by-one) to find the culprit.

    If you don’t have access to your admin area, try deactivating them manually via FTP or phpMyAdmin.

    -switching to the default theme (“twentyten”) for a moment by renaming your current theme’s folder in wp-content/themes. The idea is to force WordPress to fall back to the default theme to rule out any theme-specific issue.

    If you don’t have access to your admin area, then access your server via FTP or SFTP or whatever file management application your host provides.

    Alwyn Botha


    Before deactivating and resetting all that, look in server error logs for error messages

    Dont kill a plankton with a whale

    I’m not finding any instances where the suggested solutions to this problem are used and one works. So, if you’ve tried everything, what do you do? I’m at a loss. My site is down and has been down for a day now. This seems to be an inherit problem in WordPress that has lingered over many generations. Is there anyone who knows how to solve this problem? Do any developers out there know how to fix this? As I’m sure you can tell, I’M FRUSTRATED!

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