• The topic title explain itself, I want a theme which that fit to a political blog, I can do some changes if they are recuired, so please help me to choose one.

    Thank you all in advance for participating

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  • Theme choice has no relationship to content. IMHO.

    pick a theme, any theme and change as you want. It’s as simple as that really, as Root points out, content and theme choice has no real relationship. It’s fair to say that 99% of themes are suitable for any type of blog, perhaps even 100% if you’re into themes that are a bit off the wall and fun.

    Thread Starter iraq


    Thank you for the answers

    You probably want to go with a less image intensive theme and one with easily readable text. Black text on a white background is best for anything that’s going to have long posts – you don’t want to distract from your point with text that is hard to read.

    You might also want to go with a three column theme, as political blogs tend to become very link intensive.

    Well, I beg to differ a little bit… A well done blog’s design has something to do with the content: to suggest some kind of feeling, atmosphere, whatever.
    iraq, I’d go through all the themes available and try to find something that is fit for what you plan to do with your blog.
    Actually I like your blog’s look. Or are we talking here about another one?

    If I support your views, I will defend your design.

    If I oppose your views, I will rip it to bits.

    A bit like “You can please some of the people some of the time …..”


    Well I know what moshu means. But mood, color, graphics and so forth are easily changeable. I don’t know whether our guy means *right out of the box*. or *with a bit of editing*.

    I can do some changes if they are recuired

    which is why I thought the idea of any existing design colour was moot

    Your current design is fine. The font is a little small for my liking though. Oh well maybe it’s just me…

    Thread Starter iraq


    I noticed that most political blogs are using a wide themes 100% with two or one column, the problem is the content area of such Blogs is very wide at least 770px, and I don’t write this much, I like my post to be short and taking the main issues of the subject(s).

    Thank you all

    iraq, there’s a post in here somewhere about a blog that’s a narrow just in the middle sort of theme. It has a full 3 col layout, but plenty of negative space around the outside. The posting area (center column) is not so wide, so your shorter posts wouldn’t stick out like a sore thumb.

    Let me see if I can find the post. The blog owner wasn’t done with the theme and I don’t know that he was even going to release it, but it might give you a starting point for tweaking something else.

    I’ll edit or post back when/if I find it.

    [Edit: here – https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/32148%5D

    Thread Starter iraq


    That is great, thank you for the tip

    You’re welcome, iraq. I too want themes to “fit” the subject…. only my “m??lange” blog has a bunch of “disassociated” themes – the rest are fairly specific lookwise to the blog’s theme.

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