try to validate with and you will see that the <image>
(RSS image) is the following:
<image> <url></url><title>Paddy-Whacked Radio FM Broadcast! » Paddy-Whacked Radio FM Broadcast!</title><link></link> <width>144</width> <height>144</height> </image>
As you can see the RSS image is and if you open this image in your browser you will see that its size is 300×300 pixels.
But I have also tried this URL which is the URL of the feed of the category “fm” in the current permalink scheme and the RSS image is different there: <image> <url></url><title>Paddy-Whacked Radio FM Broadcast! » Paddy-Whacked Radio FM Broadcast!</title><link></link> <width>144</width> <height>144</height> </image>
The iTunes:image in this feed is and this is an image with 300×300 pixels which is okay. But the iTunes:image in the feed is the default image.
So your settings are probably right but the question is whether or not is your current feed of the category “fm”.
This is the image I have entered under “Blog/RSS Image (144 x 144 pixels)”, so shouldn’t it be the RSS image of this feed?
Also, I just this morning changed “…white_backgrnd_300-e1294810162229.jpg” from a .png to a .jpg file just to test.
jpg, png or gif are allowed image types.