• I am in the middle of a project to create a workshop exchange site, it is located at: https://www.uleadnetwork.org. Basically I have created a form for people to submit a post to the website, this is using a plugin called TDO Mini Forms and that part is all good, the posting can be submitted by a registered user or anyone who provides a name/email. What I want is when there is a comment on any posting the original author will receive an e-mail (hopfully html or formatted nicely) with the comment and contact information for the person who wrote the comment, or at the very least a link back to the comment page… I thought this would be fairly simple to do but I can’t find any plugins that do this seamlessly, and I wonder if you have any solutions for this? Is this a feature that is even possible… seems like it should be fairly simple… I have tried tons of plugins (notify on comments, subscribe to comments, etc.) and i either get errors when activating or no emails go anywhere except for my admin e-mail. I would really like this to be a seamless feature rather than having to manually contact the posters to let them know a comment was made…

    Any help? Thanks!

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