• Hello.
    On my blog https://allpa.ru with your plug-in there is a problem:
    1. If I mark “auto display” in the YARPP Options, contents of a post and comments disappear, I see only related post which generates YARPP (I’m use yarpp-template-thumbnail.php template);
    2. If I turn off “auto display” in the YARPP Options also insert a code <? php related_posts ()?> in single.php – a post it is visible, but comments vanish.
    What to do?

    Sorry, please, for my bad English, – I live in Russia and I use the program the translator.

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  • Huh, this is very odd. I have no idea why the comments would disappear, and this is the first I’ve heard of such a problem. Is your theme very customized? Are you using some other plugin which might interact with the display of comments?

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