Forgive me as i’m a beginner with PHP. I’m understanding somewhat what you’re saying.
Here’s what happens. You’ll notice on the main page it has a header menu, a JQuery Nivo Slider showing the images, and the only content on that home page is three columns created by a custom post type in the template. If I go to READING and set it to ‘your latest posts’ – any new posts will NOT post to the home page. If I go to READING and select ‘a static page’, I can select any of the pages I created. Then we’ll see the same slider and the ‘pages’ content below that. If then I select ‘post page:’ BLOG, I’ll go and click on my Blog tab and I’ll see a replica of the home page. The slider, and the same custom post type 3-column content I mentioned. The only way to truly get to any of the actual POSTS I want from the basic blog posts you enter has to deal with CATEGORIES and how the widgets direct them. It’s frustrating because I’m trying to jump to letter E without understanding ABCD. (:
This is the current home.php file:
<?php get_header(); ?>
<article class="columns-over">
<aside class="testi columns-over">
<div class="container">
<div class="wrapper">
<?php if ( ! dynamic_sidebar( 'Sidebar 1' ) ) : ?><!-- Wigitized Request --><?php endif ?>
</section><!-- #content-->
<?php get_footer(); ?>
Obviously not much in there. All I want to do is create a PAGE called BLOG and direct any posts that the client enters to that page – leaving the home page static and the way it is. I just am having a hard time wrapping my head around how the widgets and plugins may be affecting the posts with categories, etc. Does any of this make sense? Thanks again for you help.
If you go to the BLOG tab now, all it is is a PAGE called blog. Any ideas? Sorry for the lack of PHP knowledge. It’s a work in progress.