Unable to see the blog posts after publishing
Since exactly a month am not able to see any new blog posts getting published under my blogs link. I have made about 3 posts and all are published and same is confirmed in the admin pannel as well and am able to open up the post through the admin-pannel – view post option also, but when i come to my actual website am not able to see those posts. I havent changed or updated anything since March 8th but it seems to be happening from then on. I have checked the Settings for Reading and also Permalinks and everything remains exactly the same as what it was before and also have tried clearing the browser cache too but in vain. If i login as admin and then open my website blog section am able to see all the latest posts but once i logout or use another browser in the same system am not able to see the latest post. My latest post when not logged in seems to be frozen at March 8th.
Is it any sort of bug or known issue which am not aware of ? or is it something to do with any settings ?
My blog link is as follows > https://www.journeythroughnature.com/home/blog
Latest post done today is about April Month Wallpaper and Calendar.
Permalinks is set to > <url>/year/month/post_name
Reading is set to > Homepage to show latest posts
Default blog category > blog
Really appreciate in helping me debug this issue as am not able to find out any loopholes or anything that i have done since last one month which has started making it behave like this ??
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