mgrace74, what I was trying to say was…
download your old database to your hard drive, save it. Then, after you have saved it locally, go ahead and delete that database off the server. Create a new database, using the exact same database name, prefixes, username and pass as on your old one. Perform a fresh install of WP. Once you have the new, fresh WP up and running, then upload a copy of the saved old database to the server, in effect overwriting the newly created one. If all your variables remained the same, then it should work. If it works, then the problem was with one of the files during upgrade, not the database. If it does not work, then we know the database is corrupted. Then nothing is lost and you can just delete that database, create a new one again and run the install one more time to get a new WP going.
As to how to upload the old database, how are you setting up and accessing your database? Via cpanel, or via ssh? If via cpanel, then you can just “restore database” from there. If via ssh, then you’ll need some command lines.