I’ll have to take a look a Yak again.. Last time I looked at them (over a year ago when I was looking for WP e-commerce plugins –including WP Commerce– that offered free download options) the author seemed to indicate that adding this functionality was not on the roadmap.. I ended up using a workaround by modifying a WP download plugin to include a login option. (a workaround I found interestingly enough on the WP Commerce forum)
I posted details on what I did here: https://getshopped.org/forums/topic/checkout-login-issue/page/6/#post-137542
Roy Ho’s original post (which my solution is based on) can be found here: https://getshopped.org/forums/topic/checkout-login-issue/page/7/#post-137546
Roy Ho also posted his login solution on his own site:
This allowed me to offer free downloads while somewhat keeping track of who was accessing my free downloads.. As I didn’t need any other e-commerce features of any of the WordPress e-commerce plugins, this worked out great..
On another note: I find it interesting that you posted this comment to me 3 months ago when discussing this same topic (free downloads)
‘Dunno about “contributing” back a modification that I paid for though.. ‘ – fully open to using free stuff and having other people spend money on your behalf but not the other way eh ?
yet you say here:
spent the last two weeks trying to make wp ecommerce do this but it doesnt. at least not without buying stuff *and* hacking it according to the devs. i dont have any money to pay devs or to buy extra plugs, i hardly have much food really.
thanks for any help.
So let me say this (again) since you apparently missed it..
I’ve contributed plenty of things back to the open source community, but these are all volunteer effort level of stuff..
Which means that I have no problem sharing ANYTHING I have slaved over or sweated through creating or modifying with the open source community.. (and I have done it in SPADES — a little bit here in the WordPress forums and definitely a TON MORE in the Zen Cart community)
However, if I PAY for a customization YES then I am LESS inclined to simply share with the world what I paid for. In fact when my client’s have to pay for customizations they too are not so inclined to “share” with the world what they paid for.. Honestly I can’t see how if you as you state
dont have any money to pay devs or to buy extra plugs, i hardly have much food really.
you would give me grief about this..