• Can anyone please help me with this…

    I want to choose which users can see certain posts.

    I saw a plugin for doing this based on user roles but that won’t work because all users have to be the same role (subscribers) so I don’t want to change that.

    For example… when I make a post, I only want bob3112, john45, and mike77 to be able to read the post… but I DON’T want steve11, troy334, and others to see it…

    I know I can password protect the post but I don’t want to contact each of the users with the new password every time…

    I just want to be able to select which users can or cannot read the post.

    SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!! I’ve been searching high and low for a really long time… Any help will be appreciated.


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  • You could add a shortcode to your theme so that you can wrap blog content you want to hide to be visible to certain users only. An example is as follows:

    function members_shortcode($atts, $content=null ){
    	global $current_user;
    	$current_user = $current_user->user_login;
    	$allowed = array( 'bob3112', 'john45', 'mike77' );
    	if ( is_user_logged_in() && !is_null( $content ) && !is_feed() && in_array( $current_user, $allowed ) )
    		return $content;
    	return '';
    add_shortcode( 'specific_members', 'members_shortcode' );

    Please not this code is untested, but will point you in the right direction at least.

    Example usage in your post editor would then be:

    [specific_members]Add post content here that you only want certain users to see.[/specific_members]

    If list of users was not constant for all posts then you could extend this shortcode to accept the user list as a parameter, but you will have to figure that out for yourself! ??

    Thread Starter Tony


    Thank you so much although I’m not sure exactly what to do because I’m still a fairly new user of wordpress but I will toy around with it… hopefully I don’t mess up anything…

    What do you mean in this last part and how would you suggest I figure that out?

    “If list of users was not constant for all posts then you could extend this shortcode to accept the user list as a parameter, but you will have to figure that out for yourself! ?? “

    All I meant was that if you wanted different users to be able to view certain posts you would need a way to pass the list of users to the shortcode, i.e. something like this:

    [specific_members users="bob3112', 'john45', 'mike77"]
    Add post content here that you only want certain users to see.

    But that would need some more code added, I would do it for you but I just don’t have the time right now. You can see here how to add shortcode parameters but it may be over your head if you’re new to WordPress coding:


    To test the code I showed in my original post just go to Appearance -> Editor and edit your functions.php file (good idea to back it up first), and add this code before the closing php bracket.

    function members_shortcode($atts, $content=null ){
    	global $current_user;
    	$current_user = $current_user->user_login;
    	$allowed = array( 'bob3112', 'john45', 'mike77' );
    	if ( is_user_logged_in() && !is_null( $content ) && !is_feed() && in_array( $current_user, $allowed ) )
    		return $content;
    	return '';
    add_shortcode( 'specific_members', 'members_shortcode' );

    Add valid usernames to the array specified in:

    $allowed = array( 'bob3112', 'john45', 'mike77' );

    Then in a blog post add:

    [specific_members]Add post content here that you only want certain users to see.[/specific_members]

    Try, viewing the blog post as a guest, or as a user who is not in the list, and a user(s) who ARE in the list see what results you get.

    Let me know how you get on.

    Thread Starter Tony


    I think that’s what I’m looking for…

    [specific_members users=”bob3112′, ‘john45’, ‘mike77″]
    Add post content here that you only want certain users to see.

    …because I’m going to be making different posts on a daily basis and I want different users to be able to view each of them (not all the same).

    Post 1 can be viewed by bob3112 and john45 but not mike77
    Post 2 can be viewed by mike77 and bob3112 but not john45

    I appreciate all of the info that you’ve given me thus far and I respect the fact that you don’t have the time right now… Do you have a business or website you can refer me to?

    I meant I don’t have the time to do it for free. ??

    However, you are welcome to contact me via my site for a quote if you wish. Just click on my user profile for a link to my WordPress development site.

    Thread Starter Tony


    I sent in a contact form a couple of hours ago but I’m researching it now… I may be able to figure it out without you but try to reply asap if you still want to help.

    Thread Starter Tony


    Does anyone else know how to do this? Obviously, I’d rather get some free help rather than having to spend money.

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