Your ‘home’ page (ie where your domain name goes to) is your posts (blog) page, correct? So you don’t want your initial ‘landing page’ (or your domain’s home page) to show your posts, you want it to show static content, correct?
When you first install WordPress the ‘HOME’ page is where the blog posts are being shown. “HELLO WORLD” is a sample blog post that comes with the WordPress install. You can delete that under POSTS in your admin area. But, in order to change the wording in the menu called HOME you’ll have to re-assign where your blog posts are going (and thus name that new page) and then tell WordPress what you are going to have as the home page since you’ve moved the blog posts.
In order to re-name that link (home) in your menu you have to create a NEW PAGE for your ‘posts’ – name it what ever you want (“Blog”, “My Thoughts”, etc). This page will not have static conent, it is merely used for your blog posts to show up on.
You will then have to create a new page for your site to use as it’s home page. “Home” is a very logical name for your website’s home page, but again, you can name it what ever you want.
After you’ve created these two NEW PAGES…
go into the SETTINGS –> Reading –> ‘Front Page Displays…’ and on the radio buttons select A STATIC PAGE, then select the page you want as your website’s home page. NEXT for your ‘posts’ page select the new page you created to show your blog posts.
Of course save those changes.