• Hello,

    I love the plugin and I would like to use it on a private website. However, with every refresh shoutbox just pops up automatically in its full gloy ?? Which is a great thing. For the first week of usage. Then, it gets annoying. Therefore, my question:

    Is there a way to make shoutbox start minimized?

    Thank you

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  • Thread Starter question_man


    Well, in the mean time, I have the following workaround:

    Add this to wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/footer.php:
    (bp-default is your theme’s name)

    <script type="text/javascript">

    This will make your shoutbox “hide” by itself right after the page fully loads.

    Thread Starter question_man


    Possible improvement in bp-chat.php:

    echo "<div id='shoutboxwrapper' class='jqDnR'><div id='moveme' class='jqHandle jqDrag'>" . __("Click and drag", "bp-chat") . "</div><div class='closemetop'><a id='shoutBoxMin' href='#' style='font-size:14px;text-decoration:none;width: 16px;padding-right: 4px;'><img src='https://aicm.us/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-ajax-chat/bp-chat/chat/img/minimizebutton.jpg' alt='-'/></a><a id='shoutBoxMax' href='#' style='font-size:14px;text-decoration:none'><img src='https://aicm.us/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-ajax-chat/bp-chat/chat/img/maximizebutton.jpg' alt='+'/></a><a style='font-size:14px;text-decoration:none' href='?close=yes' id='shoutboxclosetop' alt='Close'><img src='https://aicm.us/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-ajax-chat/bp-chat/chat/img/closebutton.jpg' alt='X'/></a></div>";
    	echo "<div id='shoutboxBody'>";
    	echo "<iframe id='shoutBoxFrame' src='" . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . "/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-ajax-chat/bp-chat/chat/indexShoutBox.php'  width='100%' height='338' frameborder='0' scrolling='no'></iframe>";
    	echo "</div>";
    	echo "<div id='shoutboxBottom'>";
    	echo "<div style='text-align:center;color:black;'><a href='".$bp->loggedin_user->domain . $bp->chat->slug."'>". __("Go to full chat", "bp-chat") ."</a></div><div style='text-align:center;color:black'></div><br/></div>";
        echo "</div>";
        echo "<script>\n";
        echo "jQuery('#shoutBoxMin').click(function ()\n";
        echo "{\n";
        echo "  jQuery('div#shoutboxBody').hide('fast');\n";
        {"bottom": "-=340px"},
        echo "});\n";
        echo "\n";
        echo "jQuery('#shoutBoxMax').click(function ()\n";
        echo "{\n";
        echo "  jQuery('div#shoutboxBody').show('fast');\n";
        {"bottom": "+=340px"},
        echo "});\n";
        echo "\n";
        // minimizing shoutbox automatically - addon
        echo "  jQuery('div#shoutboxBody').hide('fast');jQuery('#shoutBoxMin').hide('slow');\n";
        echo "</script>\n";

    You can disable the shoutbox entirely in the settings. Also if you close it from the menu it should stay disabled.

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