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  • I notice a similar problem when trying to add content through the Custom CSS control:

    Using the CONTENT property, you have to enter a parameter inside quotes. R+R seems to escape these quotes once for every time I save the page. This adds another switch every time I hit “Submit”.

    After the first time a switch like this is added this content disappears anyway, leaving the entire exercise pointless.

    Any thoughts anyone, possibly involving how this input box is encoded?…

    Having done some more tests, the encoding error fires when I use single and double quotes, it makes no difference.

    To restate my case, when inserting rules into the Custom CSS input, I have chosen to use the CONTENT property for a couple of fields, basically so I can manipulate their labels.

    I write this:
    form#registerform label#about-label:after {content: ' (this may be publically viewable)';}

    It turns into this:
    form#registerform label#about-label:after {content: \' (this may be publically viewable)\';}
    This still works.

    However, when I next SAVE CHANGES again, it turns into this (which does not):
    form#registerform label#about-label:after {content: \\\' (this may be publically viewable)\\\';}

    This edition of my code carries on with each SAVE, until potentially it looks something like this, still not providing any useful output:
    form#registerform label#about-label:after {content: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' (this may be publically viewable)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\';}

    Looking through R+R.PHP, I notice on line 1462 this code:
    if ( !empty($options["custom_registration_page_css"]) ) echo "\n", stripslashes($options["custom_registration_page_css"]); echo "\n</style>";
    This uses the STRIPSLASHES function, that I understand should replace slashes with speech-marks, not the other way around…

    In case you’re wondering, this happens when I am using a test server (with both MAGIC_QUOTES_SYBASE and MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC off, as referenced in the PHP Manual) and online / in production…

    Havin done some more research, I see that another user asked a similar question:

    Hopefully the fix’ll be in the next release!

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